so, we're back in vernon again. i love it. i used to call it a hicktown, but now i kinda like it. well, i kinda love it.
it's been so much fun up here with the family. twenty of us, as of last night. well, twenty and two ninth' auntie andrea is pregnant. the picture clock on the wall will finally pass 10 o'clock. pretty exciting. the only problem with this many people is that we are staying in a three bedroom house, with one finished room in the basement [thank goodness], two bathrooms, and a kitchen with a capacity of six. but, hey, i'm not complaining. i love this tight kind of living. and i'm used to it. i lived in one room and half a bathroom with my family for three months with only half a roof over our heads, i think i can handle this. although, i got a little frustrated this morning getting ready for church when everyone had to go to the bathroom at once while i was trying to wash my hair. even though i tried to come up with a solution, they all pretty much walk past it. but the whole 20 people in the house thing is great for close bonding too. there's so many funny moments. and complete randomness. but it's good to laugh.
well, we've played games, went tubing at minus-zero water temperature [which was fun, despite the fact that sarah and i went through a wave instead of over it..], and we've caught up with each other since the last time we saw everyone. it is superb. i love hanging out with my cousins, even though i'm the odd one out [being the oldest and without someone my age], it's so fun just to hang out with them all. i don't get to see them as much anymore, so it's nice when we can get together.
this morning we went to my grandparent's church up here, the smallest church i've ever been to. no more than 40 people, hahaa. and the ten of us grandkids sang "i am a promise". my mom and her twin, my auntie linda, sang it when they were younger at their church. at first, i was like, "NO WAY." but i realized that i wasn't doing it for the people in the church, i was doing it for my gram and for GOD. i also realized that only about half of the church congregation was going to be able to hear us sing it. let alone remember us if we came next sunday.
anyways, just thought a new post was needed. we just finished thanksgiving dinner made by the fam and it's almost time for dessert. my gram is the best dessert maker. pies, cheesecakes, butter tarts, name it, she'll make it. and she'll make it good.
by the way, pictures coming soon. can't load them on this computer...