There have been many prayer requests I have stumbled upon today. Kayla, Alysha, Momma S., illness is taking over their household it seems. haha. And, my Gram. Yesterday in church while she was playing Amazing Grace on the piano she began having chest pains. Being the tough lady she is, she hoped a nap would make it go away. When that didn't work, she assumed it was just the flu. Finally, last night, she let my stubborn Papa take her to the hospital where they told her she had a heart attack. Not quite sure why. She is still fairly young for a grandma, and she doesn't have any major reason as to why she would have a heart attack. I might visit her tomorrow...we're not sure yet. Thanks to everyone who has already been so encouraging already. Please keep them all in your prayers.
WORD OF THE DAY: specious (adjective) [SPEE-shahs]
1.) plausible or appearing to be true, but actually false: "Felix was never tempted by the specious low-fat menu that hung above the fryers at his local fast food restaurant." 2.) superficially or deceptively attractive
"I think I will be a clown when I get grown," said Dill. Jem and I stopped in our tracks. "Yes sir, a clown," he said. "There ain't one thing in this world I can do about folks except laugh, so I'm gonna join the circus and laugh my head off." "You got it backwards," said Jem. "Clowns are sad, it's folks that laugh at them." "Well I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm just gonna stand in the ring and laugh at folks. Just looka yonder," he pointed. "Every one of 'em oughta be ridin' broomsticks. Aunt Rachel already does." [Chapter22 - To Kill a Mockingbird: Harper Lee]
good post.
replace the tea with coke and it would be a perfectly specious snack.
i agree with joe. cheerios are good. tea sucks. coke is good. 7up is best. Too bad about your "gram". hope she gets better soon.
we'll remember you all in our prayers
love you kara.
praying for you.
mmmm tea and cheerios, good combination
thanks guys.
i don't know if any of you are interested, but i am in vernon and i saw her this afternoon. she says she feels back to normal, but they have to monitor and test her heart still.
tea is a pleasant treat, but i only like having it once in a while. it's a special going to the movies [for some of us]. why don't you like cheerios nate?
good use of words, joel.
tea and cheerios are good. so is coke.
praying for your gram kara.
to kill a mockingbird. good book. a very southern book. (writing style i mean)
we missed you guys yesterday at the co-op thing. Disecting frogs was very, um...Interesting.
i hate that you stole my quote.
i hate it...
i hate it...
laughter. oh what a glorious joy! (the above was sort of a joke, sort of not.)
ah..joshua sczebel. strange fellow, he is. in the most meaningful and positive way, truly.
i missed my bebe scout today. scout, the crippled froggie. hope she was in good hands...hahaa
yes she was.
WOAH. you have a frog named scout?
that won't do. at all.
Hmmm...Most of the frogs got cut up. I'm not so sure if yours did...I know matt's frog "henrietta" got chopped up mercilessly by my sister. Sorry too many details i think...
oh but tis true dear joshua. it was going to be stefan...but i discovered that it was a she. so in honor of to kill a mockingbird i named her scout.
but now, scout is torn up and completely dead. not even slightly alive...
You didn't write the book josh. You weren't even the first one to read it. Stop acting like you own it.
nicely worded joe.
it is an american book.
and aren't ya'll so glad not to be american?!
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