
a tribute, to sliced bread.

We found a whole pile of home videos this weekend, and have been watching them every night. We've seen videos from when I was a baby, when we were all small, from back in the White Rock house, family-get-togethers, old film from back in the day, and the lost footage from Africa. It's made me miss Africa even more, and realize just what an experience that truly was. I was so young, and I still am really young, but at the time there was so much going on and so fast that I didn't really realize what an impact it would have on the people we met there and me. I want to go back so bad, and I hope we do get there one day, God willing.

And Happy Birthday.
and Happy Belated Birthday.
To Dad, and to Gram.
Two wonderful people that I am glad to know, and just happened to end up in the same family as them.

faz´zo`let ; n. A handkerchief

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