
trees, flowers, clouds, and stars.

God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. -- Martin Luther


joel sczebel said...

nice...(cough)... header... i think i've seen that style of header...(cough)...umm..before....

good quote. marty L is my homeboy.

Aly Sczebel said...

did you steal that quote from me. ? i've used it before.

Anonymous said...

too many coughs.

Aly Sczebel said...

i love the coughs.

karawarnock; said...

first, i don't think it's really "stealing" a quote just because you may have used it in the past, which i don't remember anyways.

second, i don't think i like the coughs.

and third, "marty L" and i are totally tight... like cheese on pizza, pb and j, peaaasss and carrottsss.